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This week's episode is sponsored by:

Pits; everyone has them, and they
can stink and make your clothes wet. But worse than the odor is the
chemicals used on this delicate place. If you have been considering a
natural deodorant, consider Bar-Maids Probiotic Deodorant. It is
aluminum, paraben, and phthalate free and currently offered in 2 sizes
and two scents. Give your pits a breather! You could come out smelling
like a rose (geranium) – which, by the way, will be released in January.
Trillium Fibres is returning to Stitches West this year with fresh new
designs from Sivia Harding & Andrea Mowry, as well as show-exclusive
shaded speckles and limited edition kits. We’ll dazzle you with a
rainbow of gradient mini-skein packs - 60 color choices in all - and a
wealth of speckles, solids, and layered colors on our 100g skeins. So
come find your fade, color your world and get inspired in booth
746/748! Knitmore listeners get 10% off when they mention “Gigi” at
Every hobby needs organization, every project needs a place. Erin.Lane bags helps you turn your fiber pasttime into neat and organized endeavor. Our project bags, totes, and needle and notions organizers are everything you need to keep your fiber arts from fraying.
Let’s put our collective best foot forward!Adapted from traditional Turkish
sock techniques and worked in fifteen contrast colors on a neutral
background, these whimsical toe-up socks feature increases across the
hinge of the foot to add ease and ensure a comfortable fit.Perfect for drafty houses, dorms,
and anyone with perpetually chilly feet, this pattern yields thick and
cozy socks with unique style.$5 from the sale of every Love Still
Wins kit will be donated to Lambda Legal Defense, a 501(c)3 non-profit
whose mission is to achieve the full recognition of the civil rights of
LGBT people, and those living with HIV through impact litigation,
education, and public policy work.
Love trying new teas? Treat yourself to a Plum Deluxe tea of the month
subscription. For only $10/month, you'll receive a hand blended,
all-organic,loose leaf tea thoughtfully chosen for the season. Tea club
members also enjoy special benefits like discounts, free shipping on
all purchases, and access to a very loving and supporting tea
community. A tea subscription also makes a fantastic gift. Visit plum
deluxe dot com slash tea to learn more.
On the Needles:(0:30)
We are waffling on how to present our next mini lesson on steeking: Periscope, Facebook Live or good old-fashioned video tutorial.
We gush about how brilliant Martina Behm, Melanie Berg , Joji Locatelli, and Sally Melville are. We discuss the Einstein coat out of The Knit Stitch. And Jasmin laments her lack of. success with the Baby Surprise sweater. Gigi started a new Vanilla sock out of Regia.
We are waffling on how to present our next mini lesson on steeking: Periscope, Facebook Live or good old-fashioned video tutorial.
We gush about how brilliant Martina Behm, Melanie Berg , Joji Locatelli, and Sally Melville are. We discuss the Einstein coat out of The Knit Stitch. And Jasmin laments her lack of. success with the Baby Surprise sweater. Gigi started a new Vanilla sock out of Regia.
Gigi is working on the Puerto Montt by Martina Behm. Out of Rohrspatz and Wollmeise. (Strick Mich! Club) and is working on the the first side part.
Jasmin has picked up her Poly Chevron Cowll again! Jasmin is excited about Bristol Ivy’s Peace de Resistance mitts.
Mint Rain, Abstract Fiber, Black Trillium, Knitted Wit, are dyeing colors and donating to excellent charitable organizations.
Mint Rain, Abstract Fiber, Black Trillium, Knitted Wit, are dyeing colors and donating to excellent charitable organizations.
Gigi has been knitting preemie hats, knitting British (throwing).
In Stitches:(22:05)
Jasmin wore her rainbow dots cowl, cat hat, bifrost scarf . Genevieve wore her cat hat, and Elsa sweater. Rex wore the Quynn hat.
We will be attending
- We talk about the #knitmorebuymore form for #StitchesWest: if you're a vendor and want to participate, click the link and fill out the form!
The Meet and Greet will be at noon on Saturday in the Erin Lane booth
#OperationSockDrawer and #ProjectSweaterChest are back!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#projectsweaterchest. This is the sweater equivalent of #operationsockdrawer. We want to encourage you to knit yourself a chest full of sweaters. This contest also has been inspired by Susan B. Anderson and her fast forward video of her top 10 sweaters.
Parameters for participating in the #operationsockdrawer contest:
Participants: post a picture to the ravelry forum, or to instagram with the #operationsockdrawer, have your ravelry name on your instagram profile. Feel free to double dip your projects.
Participants: post a picture to the ravelry forum, or to instagram with the #operationsockdrawer, have your ravelry name on your instagram profile. Feel free to double dip your projects.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#projectsweaterchest. This is the sweater equivalent of #operationsockdrawer. We want to encourage you to knit yourself a chest full of sweaters. This contest also has been inspired by Susan B. Anderson and her fast forward video of her top 10 sweaters.
Projects will be judged on originality and general delightfulness.
Mother Knows Best:(30:43)
This week we answer a question from the What do you want to hear about? thread in the Knitmore Girls Ravelry group about how to combat moths in clothing .
This week we answer a question from the What do you want to hear about? thread in the Knitmore Girls Ravelry group about how to combat moths in clothing .
We mention comforter bags from Cleaners Supplies.
When Knitting Attacks:(39:11)
Jasmin is knitting in the dark, and dropped a stitch. Surprise!
This week we review Knitted Animal Nursery, by Fiona Goble
Jasmin mentions Rebecca Danger, and baby sacks for the SCVMC Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Jasmin mentions Rebecca Danger, and baby sacks for the SCVMC Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
And Sew On:(59:51)
Gigi has been working on the Grinch bags, trimming corners.
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