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So we’ve addressed the issue of dry, cracked, angry hands. The unparalleled Lo-Lo Bar by Bar Maids does a great job healing and protecting skin and making sure we feel pampered. But even the most amazing moisturizers need a helper sometimes. Cuticle Intensive by Bar Maids is like the jelly to Lo-Lo Bar’s peanut butter! The applicator is so easy to use that you can literally put it on while sitting at a traffic light. The tube last longer than it takes to make a brioche bedspread! This incredibly effective cuticle cream takes your irritated cuticles, infuses them with sorely needed moisture, and solves the issue of peeling, sore fingers in a snap! Simple application, no rubbing necessary, no problem! Fingers rejoice!

Purlescence Yarns is the Bay Area's destination yarn shop. From the best in spinning and weaving equipment to luxurious yarns and fibers, we have what you need to make your fibery dreams a reality. We're always happy to provide mail order service for Knitmore Girls listeners. Call us today, it'll be on its way!
The Sheep Shop is a welcoming yarn shop in the historic university town of Cambridge, England, only 50 miles from London. You'll find fabulous touchy-feely yarns, including a fine selection of local and British yarns, cashmere, angora, llama, a variety of wools and other bundles of wonder alongside what you need to knit & crochet. We think choosing what you’re going to make and feel between your fingers is one of life’s pleasures, and we want to make it a pleasure for you to find what you need. Make yourself comfy on our sofa, there’s a Ravelry station and coffee on tap. Making beautiful things brings enormous satisfaction – let us satisfy you!
On The Needles:(0:32)
Jasmin has finished the first (third?) sleeve on Andrew's Baseball Jersey, and has started the second (fourth?) sleeve. (You can find the blog post regarding Genevieve here.) Gigi has finished the knitting part of her Featherweight Cardigan.
Jasmin is making socks out of yarn from Little Red Bicycle, and Gigi is almost done with her Hobbit Socks. Gigi is enjoying knitting in bed, working on the Sister Joan Shawl and listening to the Knitting Pipeline podcast.
Gigi has excavated her Brown Heathered Skirt from Veronique Avery's Knitting 24/7
We will be attending
- Pacific International Quilt Festival: Oct 11-14 2012
- Pacific International Quilt Festival: Oct 11-14 2012
- Stitches West: February 21-24 2013
Mother Knows Best:(15:40)
We answer a question from our "What do you want to hear about?" thread. We mention the Lady Eleanor Shawl , the Lily of the Valley Stole and the Frost Flowers Shawl. Niebling patterns and Eugen Beugler are referred to. We also mention the Looped Loop Cowl, and Voolenvine.
This week we are purloining Book Talk, from the 2 Knit Lit Chicks podcast, hosted by Tracy and Barb. We both are reading Game of Thrones
Jasmin was listening to Bringing Up Bébé
This week we review The Sock Knitter's Handbook
, by Charlene Schurch and Beth Parrot
And Sew On:(34:02)
Jasmin has finished a stack of baby night shirts McCalls 6103. She has cut the fabric for a nursing top: Jalie 2787. Threads magazine now lets subscribers download digital copies as well.
Straw Into Gold:(39:31)
Jasmin has been spinning on her sidekick before bed, and talking to Meghan of Stitch It. And she has been spinning on the Minispinner. Gigi fired herself for not having swatched for her SPAKAL.