Books plus knitting plus happy memories. That’s Little Skein in the Big Wool. We make kits, yarn and project bags that bring your favorite stories to life. Find *your* favorite story at

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On the Needles:(0:59)
Gigi finished the second sock of the (RAVELRY LINK) Churfirsten socks (from the Operation Sock Drawer book, available at Hicklebee's) in Standing Ovulation from Oink Pigments
Jasmin has made progress on her (RAVELRY LINK) L’escargot Bleu shawl
She is excited about her Alpenglow Binary BitMarkers (stitch markers). Jasmin also mentions their skein twister.
Jasmin is nearly at the armholes on the (RAVELRY LINK) Gramps cardigan for Sam
Gigi: working on the afterthought heel of a Xmas sock for myself (RAVELRY LINK) Socks on a Plane, in Peppermint Stick from Oink, heel and toe in Oink Redrum.
Gigi finished (RAVELRY LINK) Churfirsten
Jasmin pulled her (RAVELRY LINK) Philosopher’s Wool Kilim sweater out of the garage and is nearly done with the second sleeve.
Gigi: figured out how to Finishuary, without having a giant pile in her den.
Jasmin swatched for a (RAVELRY LINK) Tornado pullover in LolaBean Yarn Co Pinto Bean DK “Galaxy”
Gigi finished last bit of hand sewing zipper on (RAVELRY LINK) Katje
Jasmin swatched for a (RAVELRY LINK) Tectonic pullover in La Bien Aimée’s Aran in “Aimée’s Sweater”
Sewed in ends of Katje Hoodie by Cocoknits (RAVELRY LINK)
Jasmin swatched for a sideways fade pullover in Frost Yarn’s DK “Saturated Rainbow” LINK
Gigi started the (RAVELRY LINK) funambulus socks from the #operationSockDrawer book
Started the (RAVELRY LINK) Alaska hat
In Stitches:(26:53)
Gigi wore (RAVELRY LINK) Jasmin’s boxy
Jasmin wore her cashmere (RAVELRY LINK) Mariah hoodie, (RAVELRY LINK) calligraphy cardigan, new hat with giant pom pom
Genevieve wore her (RAVELRY LINK) Hearthstone pullover, red and gold woven scarf, (RAVELRY LINK), Barberry Cardigan
Gigi wore the (RAVELRY LINK) knitmore cowl .2 and socks every day
And (RAVELRY LINK) Cat Bordhi’s wristers , (RAVELRY LINK) Pointed Firs shawl , and (RAVELRY LINK) Gran's Hug
The Operation Sock Drawer book was published in October. Call Hicklebees for a PERSONALIZED, SIGNED copy.
#Fiberuary on instagram
Little Skein in the Big Wool book club
Mother Knows Best:(32:38)
Positive self talk
When Knitting Attacks:(37:46)
Jasmin is miscounting on the barberry
Gigi was weaving in ends, noticed that she had neglected to sew in the last bit of the zipper
Also, working on churfirsten socks, on two pattern repeats, she neglected to offset the pattern .
Alaska hat has color work, it is hard
Purloined :(41:17)
from Dr. Gemma's Cogknitive podcast: Some thing I really like
Plastic trays from the teachers store for projects, Dinosaurs, kinetic sand and Fidget monster.
Knits in Space:(45:42)
You are never too old for blanket forts.
And Sew On: (49:21)
Classes at Cañada continue. The class are recorded. Students can play the recordings and follow techniques step by step, at their own pace. Kenneth D King