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Are you a spinner or felter? Abstract Fiber has wool, silk, yak, camel, and cashmere fiber blends for all your spinning and felting needs. We have natural and dyed fibers of the softest and finest types. Start with our affordable grab bags or get the most spinable cashmere-silk available. Find it all at

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You've been requesting it for a long time now, and Erin.Lane Bags is finally going to make all your dreams come true.
Erin.Lane Bags has just opened up its Custom Shop, a place where you can order your favorite project bags and totes in fabrics that you pick out and send in to be made into the perfect bags.
It's easy to get started on your Custom Shop order. Just visit and click on "Custom Shop" in the Menu. Following the instructions, fill out the Order Form, and send in your fabrics.
Start picking those fabrics now, and get your order in today to be the first in your knitting group with a custom Erin.Lane bag.
Infinite Twist produces unique and luxurious hand-spun yarns that are
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use offer code “knitmore”!

Brought to you by PLY Magazine and their annual spinning retreat, PLY Away, in Kansas City, MO. For 5 days in April, 15 of the best spinning spinning teachers in the world including Stephenie Gaustad, Maggie Casey, Galina Khmeleva, Natalie Redding, and Abby Franquemont, will be teaching classes that range from 3 days to half days. if you spin yarn at all, don’t miss this chance to improve your skills, surround yourself with fiber, and enjoy the company of 350 other spinners from around the world for nightly spin ins, a great marketplace, and much more. Registration opens Oct 29th but until Oct 19th, you can enter the raffle to win an all-expense paid trip to PLY Away, visit
On the Needles:(0:37)
Gigi is still working on Polygon blanket, by TincanKnits out of Black Trillium Fibres, Sublime DK superwash merino Gradient kits: Coral, Tidewater, Ursa. So potato chippy, but lost little bit of steam.
Jasmin has been been working on the Bifrost scarf from Infinite Twist.
Gigi finished the Skandinavian sock from Little Box of Socks,.
Jasmin has made progress on the Poly Chevron Cowl with the Black Trillium “Frank it up” kit. She has been lusting after some black light reactive yarn she saw at White Birch Fiber Arts
Gigi took her Puerto Montt by Martina Behm out of Rohrspatz and Wollmeise. #behmalong , to Spinzilla
Also, we are participating in the #BigBadBergalong, with Michelle from Actually Knitting, Down Cellar Studio, Knitting Butterflies, Prairie Girls, Kristi from In a Sknit, Commuter Jen from Commuter Knitter Podcast.
Jasmin cast on her Ashburn, in Lollipop Yarns Flibertigibbet Single Sock Kit, for the #BigBadBergalong, and we have one kit to give as a prize. Jasmin talks about the circular glass needles from Sheila Ernst that she is using.
We are so lucky to have the designer Melanie Berg offering our listeners a 10% discount on her patterns (self-published) starting September 15th, 2016 and ending November 2, 2016. Use the code BigBadBergAlong at checkout.
Gigi has finally picked a pattern, the January Skies, and the yarn, a gradient kit from Black Trillium Fibres, has been rinsed and balled and assembled into a kit.
She is also working on the Squircle sock, pattern by General Hogbuffer. She has been working on cuff but may make it into a vanilla sock, because there are so many stripes, the cuff is going to be longer than one repeat. She also has knitted another preemie hat.
The Knitmore Girls House Special #2 from the Bar Maids, and we are thrilled.
We collaborated with Erin Lane Bags, Voollenvine Yarns and gynx Yarn. Sivia Harding, and (of course!) the Bar Maids.
In Stitches:(20:17)
Gigi wore a hat at night a gift from Kelly of the Knit Surfers. Jasmin wore her Rainbow Dots Cowl, Genevieve wore her Elsa sweater, Rex wore his Welcome to the Flock. Genevieve would like to have some more gloves.
Gigi will be attending the Pacific International Quilt Fest, at the Santa Clara Convention Center, October 13-16.
Jasmin mentions the One Bad Mother podcast.
We will also be attending Stitches West, sometime in February.
The newest prize is a Gleener, for removing pills from knit wear.
Parameters for participating in the #operationsockdrawer contest:
Participants: post a picture to the ravelry forum, or to instagram with the #operationsockdrawer, have your ravelry name on your instagram profile. Feel free to double dip your projects.
Projects will be judged on originality and general delightfulness.
#projectsweaterchest. This is the sweater equivalent of #operationsockdrawer. We want to encourage you to knit yourself a chest full of sweaters. This contest also has been inspired by Susan B. Anderson and her fast forward video of her top 10 sweaters.
We have lots of great prizes to give away. Feel free to double dip with any other KAL.
#elizalong also applies to this contest, since Elizabeth Doherty's sweaters are polished and functional, and excellent for everyday wear.
Mother Knows Best:(29:22)
This week we talk about our favorite knitting bags and favorite project bags. Jasmin is fond of her project bags from The Fat Squirrel, and she also likes bags by Little Yarn in the Big Wool [CORRECTION: It's Little SKEIN in the Big Wool].
We use this Pinterest link to the tutorial we used. that we like very much, that is reminiscent of the Erin Lane Bags. We also like these bags from U-Line.
Let us know what you like in a project bag.
When Knitting Attacks:(41:01)
Gigi was working on the Scandinavian Socks. She did half a row in the wrong pattern, went back and carefully replaced the wrong stitches.
She was also working on the Polygon blanket.The count was off on one unit, she tried to fix it, and when that didn’t work, she ripped it out
Knitted Cables, A Sourcebook by Nora Gaughan
We are introduced to the Stockinette Stitch Equivalent System.
Jasmin also likes Knitting Nature , by Norah Gaughan
Straw into Gold:(54:41
Jasmin participated in Spinzilla ! She was part of #TeamTextileWitches
The fiber she used was: Lisa Souza Emerald City Australian Superfine merino (spun on the Acadia), Lisa Souza Superwash Merino “Wild Things” (on The Device), and a Coral Romney/tussah Abby Batt (on the Device).
Gigi finished a nest of fiber from the project she started for Tour de Fleece, then started a new one. So little left to finish this project.
And Sew On:(1:00:53)
Gigi sewed ribbon onto some project bags.
She also worked on the Giraffe hats.She finds hand sewing spots challenging, not the peaceful experience she had imagined. The needle sticks in the fabric and has to be muscled through. She found that doing applique on fleece works better with less than 6 strands of floss.
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