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This week: Abstract FiberFact #1: Who wants their knitting happiness interrupted by a knot in their yarn? We at Abstract Fiber believe our skeins should not have knots! We maintain a zero knot policy when winding our yarns. If the yarn breaks, we set it aside and start another skein. Our Macho Socks and triple skeins give you larger skeins, and still, no knots. At Abstract Fiber we provide you with the highest quality product, and that means no knots! Remember, at we offer free shipping in the US and Canada for all orders over $100.

This week: Autumn is in the air. Here at Purlescence Yarns we're turning our thoughts toward holiday projects. We'll be knitting, spinning, and weaving most of our gifts this year. Now's the time to make that list of gifts for your friends and family. Let us help you with tons of ideas for great gifts. We'll be tweeting about them in the coming weeks. Follow us @Purlescence on Twitter!
Events: (00:31)
- New York Sheep and Wool Festival (Rhinebeck): Oct 17-18. Meetup TBD.
On the Needles: (2:41)
Jasmin's Tangled Yoke Cardigan is nearly finished. Gigi is working on her Origami Wrap Pullover. Jasmin talks about buttonbands, and picking up three stitches for every four rows when picking up stitches for a buttonband. Gigi is working on a few pairs of vanilla socks, out of Regia Galaxy. Jasmin is knitting a pair of socks for Andrew out of her Crown Mountain "Albatross" handspun.
Gigi is working on a crocheted edging for pillowcases. Jasmin talks about the yarn swap at Purlescence, where she came away with a skein of sock yarn, and a sweater's worth of Brown Sheep NatureSpun (in Cranberry Fog).
Contest: (25:44)
Post your contest ideas in our Ravelry group!
Mother Knows Best: (28:08)
We discuss "breakout projects". Jasmin's favorite "learning" baby sweater is the cardigan from Debbie Bliss's "Quick Baby Knits". We also recommend the Print of the Wave Stole (errata for the edging here), the Twist Cardigan, and the Lady Eleanor Stole.
When Knitting Attacks: (35:54)
Gigi has been foiled by not being able to find the issue of Interweave Knits with the Frost Flowers Stole (by Charlene Schurch). Jasmin's enthusiasm causes trouble, again, with her Tangled Yoke Cardigan. Gigi's Swallowtail Shawl hits some snags. We talk about lifelines. Gigi's Scandanavian Socks continue to be troubled.
Straw into Gold: (51:15)
Jasmin spins a little more of Duchess (to become the Carnaby Street Pullover). She has also been spinning some of the Crown Mountain Superwash in "Hey Jude". Jasmin experiments with dyeing pindrafted roving in the coil.
1) Laughed so hard, coffee came out my nose, over the X-man superpower vs. multiple arms discussion. :-D
ReplyDelete2) I can definitely recommend Knitspot / Anne Hanson patterns for beginner (but 'real') lace knitting.
3) Your Tangled Yoke is beautiful!
Thanx for another great show!
I really enjoy your podcasts and have listened so much to them over the summer that I've caught up to the current episode. I'm currently knitting an Anne Hanson pattern (socks) called Marie Antoinette. They are gorgeous!