This weeks episode is sponsored by:

You probably attend an event at least once a year. Sometimes events are all about shopping, but more often than not, events are a combination of shopping and education. When attending a show that combines classes and market place, shopping literally becomes dashes between classes. Time is short that your plan includes the necessary pit stop (crossing your fingers for short lines) and visits to my favorite or new vendor spot.
As a vendor, we do our best to bring the right amount of scents and products. We are thrilled when we have the product or scent you are looking for, but sometimes there is a sudden run on your favorite scent or product and the person in front of you just bought the last one. Being left wanting after waiting just stinks!
Wait and want no more because we've created the Easy Peasy Product Reservation. It's so simple and fast, you’ll LOVE the experience!
Go to our web site: for directions, and we'll even text you a reminder during the event!

Erin.Lane Bags presents the 2016 Indie Yarn Carnival. If you’ve ever missed the opportunity to see your favorite indie yarn dyers at a show, then this is the club for you. Erin.Lane has assembled a cavalcade of the most popular and sought after indie yarns from all over the country, and they are bringing it all to your door throughout 2016.
Featuring the indie dyed yarns of Buffalo Wool Company, Lydia Yarns, Knit Circus, Must Stash, Miss Babs and Miss Crosby, the Indie Yarn Carnival is a must have collection of special kits that you won’t find anywhere else. And each kit comes with a custom matched Erin.Lane Project Bag.
Sign up is quick and easy, and the 12 month subscription payment for the club makes it painless to enroll. Visit before December 1 to sign up and get your ticket to the finest indie yarn show you’ll see all year!
Featuring the indie dyed yarns of Buffalo Wool Company, Lydia Yarns, Knit Circus, Must Stash, Miss Babs and Miss Crosby, the Indie Yarn Carnival is a must have collection of special kits that you won’t find anywhere else. And each kit comes with a custom matched Erin.Lane Project Bag.
Sign up is quick and easy, and the 12 month subscription payment for the club makes it painless to enroll. Visit before December 1 to sign up and get your ticket to the finest indie yarn show you’ll see all year!

Knitcircus Yarns is pleased as punch to present the Gradient Yoke Sweater Pattern, designed by Amy Detjen. This sweater gives you an exciting and unusual construction; a top-down v-neck raglan. Designed to make the most of a self-striping handpaint, the yoke uses just one skein of gradient yarn, surrounded by coordinating kettle dyes for the body and sleeves. Let our yarn do the color changes for you!

Purlescence Yarns is Silicon Valley's destination fiber arts shop. Our yarns are selected for both their beauty and sustainability. Choose the perfect yarn and our Custom Fit service to help you make the perfect sweater.
Create your own perfect yarns and fabrics with our extensive selection of spinning and weaving equipment, classes, and full service maintenance.
We're always happy to provide mail order service for Knitmore Girls listeners. Call us today, it'll be on its way!
On The Needles:(0:35)
Gigi has finished two pairs of socks. The Meilenweit Vanilla socks and a pair of sock out of Invictus Yarns
Jasmin has been working on the Coronation Cardigan, out of Berry Colorful Yarnings. She loves doing the color work, and is really enjoying the process.
Her Kobayashi Maru needs ribbons and buttons, and the Gramps Cardigan by Kate Oates, needs finishing.
Jasmin mentions carrying Rex in the Ergobaby
Gigi is working on the Selvedges cardigan and is at the armhole divide.
Jasmin is enjoying the a Bifrost kit (from Infinite Twist), and there are 35 colors in this rainbow. She thinks she needs Quilt Clips
Gigi laments that she has not done any knitting on her Viajante. She has started another preemie hat.
Jasmin is working on the Elsa gloves for Genevieve, which she is knitting from the center out.
In Stitches:(13:13)
This week Gigi wore wristers, the Knitmore Girls cowl, AND TWO PRE-RAVELRY v-neck cardigans that are terribly pilly. She took a Gleener Ultimate Fuzz Remover
Jasmin mentions the Cassidy, by Bonne Marie Burns.
Jasmin wore her Twist cardigan.
Genevieve wore her Elsa cardigan, and her Elsa hat with the Olivia hat.
Rex wore his Striped Baby Cardigan, by Purl Soho, and he fits into the Baby Puerperium that Cchellez knit for him.
Operation Sockdrawer is on hold until after the holidays, but keep your entries coming!
Parameters for participating in the #operationsockdrawer contest:
Participants: post a picture to the ravelry forum, or to instagram with the #operationsockdrawer, have your ravelry name on your instagram profile. Feel free to double dip your projects.
Projects will be judged on originality and general delightfulness.
And the Grinch-along started December first
There are only two rules:
1. Cease and desist all 2015 holiday gift knitting! #grinchalong.
2. What you *do* knit, must bring you joy.
Take pictures and post them in the ravelry group thread and/or on Instagram.
Prizes will be Grinchy knitting bags sewn in the "Sweatshop Of Love"(Lovingly purloined from Sweatshop Of Love) by the Knitmore Girls out of Grinchy fabric. Let us know what fun holiday things you are doing instead of gift knitting. Do multiple dipping with as many contests as you can.
Pinterest link to the bag tutorial we used.
Prizes for this contest are also:
- A Lolo Foot Bar,
- An Erin Lane Bag,
- A Skein of Cephalopod Traveller
- A Leslie Wind Cable Needle ring
Our annual Do Some Good Contest started. Do some good on a local, national or global level, post it to the thread, maybe you'll win a prize! But you'll definitely do some good, and that's awesome. The contest will close around January 6th.
Winners will be chosen on the basis of originality and delightfulness. Also, your charity needs to benefit more than your immediate friends and family.
- A Lolo Bar
- A very big Erin Lane Bag
- A Leslie Wind Cable Needle Ring
#projectsweaterchest is ongoing.
Mother Knows Best:(20:44)
This week we answer a question from the "What do you want to hear about?" thread in the forum
about using grosgrain ribbon and snaps.
We talk about handsewn button holes. Gigi mentions Susan Khalje's amazing handsewing on It's Sew Easy and that she is a contributor to Threads magazine. Also, there is a tutorial from Susan Khalje on attaching hooks, eyes and snaps. We talk about Dritz Heavy Duty Snap Fastener Plier Kit
Gigi mentions snap on tape.
This week we purloin "Teechen" from the Urbane Spinnstube podcast and the "Whats in my glass segment that Voolenvine (YarnGasm), and Isabelle (Fluffy Fibers Podcast) all have in their podcasts.
When Knitting Attacks:(30:59)
Gigi needs to work on her reading skills. She missed an increase. So she had to frog back all of the increases after the increase she had missed .
Also, she lost a stitch on her Meilenweit socks.
This week we review
Painted Woolly Toppers, by Woolly Wormhead
We also look at Wee Woolly Toppers by Woolly Wormhead
Bambeanies, by Woolly Wormhead
Twisted Woolly Toppers Woolly Wormhead
Also, we listened to the review of this book by The Knit Girllls, episode 278, and Gigi tried to crib notes off their excellent review. And we think they said that there were discounts for select Woolly Wormhead patterns to be had from #hatvent.
Holidays with the Knitmores:(45:06)
We think that you may want to own a Selfie Stick
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