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This week's episode is sponsored by:
Want a great deal on a great yarn? Check out our Calder special! We got a deal on giant, 10 ounce skeins of this wonderful sportweight SuperWash merino, and we are passing that deal on to you. Just one skein will make a child size sweater or baby blanket. Two to three for an adult. This special us only available until these skeins are gone, so hop on over to and grab some up for yourself!

The Bar-Maids staff is asked one question more than any other, “What scent should I buy for my friend, mother, brother, {you fill in the blank}”. And the response they give is, “We don’t pick scents for people as scents trigger memories and we would only wish for good ones, not bad ones”. Scents are powerful. Not only can they instantly bring back a flood of memories scent can also influence people’s mood, affect their work performance and even buying preferences.
Watching someone’s face and listening to their first comment when they choose a scent is a both a gift and a surprise claims the staff at Bar-Maids. For instance, Patchouli brings so much joy to people that loved the 60’s though an equal amount of people share they have few memories of that period and don’t wish to relive them. Honeysuckle and Honey-Do Almond seems to trigger a lot of grandmother memories, while Sweet Plumeria reminds people of vacation and Hawaii.
Though Bar-Maids staff won’t pick scents for people they do share their top selling scents - which usually mean s that if you are buying a scent for someone you are pretty safe with: Vanilla Moon, Red Clover Tea, Lavender Lil, Coco-Mango, Cucumber Melon, Pink Grapefruit, Lemongrass, and Bergamot.
The most unique memory shared to date? The scent that reminded a customer of her little pony. The toy, not the animal. Stop by the Bar-Maids and take a walk down memory lane. In January and February you can catch them at TNNA in San Diego, Vogue Knitting Live in New York, The Best Bead Show in Tucson, Arizona and Stitches West in Santa Clara, CA

Purlescence Yarns is the Bay Area's destination yarn shop. From the best in spinning and weaving equipment to luxurious yarns and fibers, we have what you need to make your fibery dreams a reality. We're always happy to provide mail order service for Knitmore Girls listeners. Call us today, it'll be on its way!

Known for its sophisticated yet easy-to-use interfaces, Squarespace’s do-it-yourself tools allow creative professionals, businesses, bloggers, and web developers to quickly and easily create and maintain professional looking, high-quality websites. When you decide to sign up for Squarespace, make sure to use the offer code KNITMORE to get 10% off your first purchase and show your support for our podcast!
On The Needles :(0:36)
Jasmin talks about the Geeky Girls Knit podcast. We change the name of the Mommy and Me Kal to the Matchy Matchy Kal (#matchymatchyKAL). Rules can be found on the forum thread. Make it work!
Jasmin is working on the Barberry Cardigan out of Rothko in the Saffron colorway, and she is having too much fun with all the cables. She is also enjoying the Leslie Wind cable needle. She talks about using these highliters
Prizes for the #PodcasterThrowdown:
A lovely skein of Lollipop Yarn in the colorway Sweet Child o' Mine.
A skein from Great Lakes Hand Dyed. #themapples
Sivia Harding's Sister Joan Shawl, knit by Gigi
From FabFunkyFibres: a skein of 15 color rainbow merino/cashmere/nylon
Jasmin's handspun:
- In the Air Tonight, superwash, 328yds, Crown Mountain Farms
- Violet Cherry, Pidgeonroof Studios, 402 Superwash BFL (187) 374 yds
- Atlantis 402 Superwash Merino, Crown Mountain Farms, 500 yds
There will be a little something special for anyone who brings a hat for Halos to Stitches West, and bonus swag for preemie hats.
Gigi has been knitting Halos of Hope hats and has finished the Bend hat . She mentions the Käänteinen hat. She also finished another preemie hat. Excavation of Area 51 turned up some unfinished fruit hats. She used a leaf patterns from Knitting on the Edge
Jasmin mentions prizes for Halos and our Stitches West Meet-and-Greet. Jasmin is working on the Dark Side of the Moon socks by Fab Funky Fibre #operationsockdrawer, and on a pair of Pinky Promise Socks by Lollipop Yarn. She mentions craftygirl83. Gigi is working on Vanilla socks out of Trekking and Steinbach Wolle.
2/20-23: Stitches West 2014.
We are planning a Meet-and-Greet, and will have something special for listeners who bring a Halo hat, and something different for listeners who bring a preemie hat.
Jasmin mentions listening to the Yarns at Yin Hoo podcast.
In Stitches:(24:22)
Gigi wore her grey Citron and looked very polished. She also enjoyed wearing her Strong Heel socks. Our overnight guest got a "guest gift" pair of socks.
Jasmin wore the Ribby Cardi out of her handspun. Genevieve wore the Elmo scarf, out of Pez.CANT FIND PEZ YARN
Post pictures of yourself in your knits on the In Stitches thread in the forum.
Mother Knows Best:(27:13)
This week we answer a question from the "What to you want to hear about?" thread about teaching a child to knit. Gigi mentions squares made into toys. Jasmin talks about The Rules Of Knitting.
When Knitting Attacks:(35:19)
Jasmin talks about how picking your purl stitches makes them sit differently on the knitting needle, which gives a different picture on one's knitting.
This week we are purloining from the Knotty Girls Knitcast, and talk about the metric system. We declare that we are starting a metric revolution, because it makes knitting math so much easier. Gigi mentions Distelfliege and the Urbane Spinnstube podcast.
This week we review Hitch, edited by Stephanie Tallent
Ravellenic Training:(57:51)
Week 4 of Ravellenic Training: Hunt for Errata.
Jasmin references Stephanie Pearl-McPhee and the original Knitting Olympics rules.
Jasmin thanks Arlin from the Lost Geek podcast and Coggie from the High Fiber Diet podcast for all their work on the forum.
Gigi reports that Team Yeti is participating.
Straw Into Gold:(1:02:39)
Jasmin states that in an effort to have a neater house and less stuff taking up room, she has been spinning up her Merino Border Leicester.
And Sew On:(1:02:58)
Gigi is enrolled in a Moulage class where she will make a sloper. She will have a master pattern to adjust her fashion patterns, so all the dresses she sews will fit perfectly.
BTW Thomas Jefferson argued for adoption of the Metric System of measurement, but he was out-voted on that. He DID win out on Decimal currency--and aren't we glad about that.
ReplyDeleteThe US has moved backwards on contemporary adoption of the Metric System. For many years there was a sign on I-94S in SE Wisconsin: Chicago 60 mi, 100 km. I LOVED that sign, used it in my science classroom as a mnemonic device, and then a number of years ago it disappeared. Sad.