This episode is sponsored by:
Do you know about Lo-Lo EO's? EO's (essential oils) are natural compounds derived from plants, that have powerful biochemical compositions which often stimulate our brain, affecting mood and well being. Like you and me, Lo-Lo EO’s are a wondrous mixture of individual qualities, some very bold and assertive, others showing a softer, gentler face. By applying specific EO’s or blends, you choose the way want your mood affected. When EO’s are combined with Bar-Maids soothing combination of natural oils and butters, you have an amazing Lo-Lo experience. EO’s are powerful, and respecting them is appropriate. With that in mind, do you want to relax, rejuvenate, or recharge? It's all up to you. Lo-Lo EO’s are available in the Body Bar, To-Go Bar, O’ for Feet Sake, and Lip Balm, and Cuticle Intensive.

Love self-striping yarns but not quite sure how to use them? Join the Knitcircus Yarns Gradient Yarn Club and let hand-dyer and designer Jaala Spiro guide you! Three packages of exclusive self-striping colorways with patterns written just for them, plus information and lists of favorite patterns for using gradient yarns. The cherry on top? Treats from other indy knitting businesses with every package. Check out the Knitcircus Yarns store for handpainted and kettle-dyed yarns, too!
Purlescence Yarns is so pleased to support Halos of Hope, a wonderful organization that we have decided to throw a huge event to inspire you all to create hats for Halos of Hope. Join us Saturday, July 13 and Sunday, July 14 for a 24 hour long Halos of Hope-athon. From noon Saturday to noon Sunday, we will be open for mad hatting! We'll have contests and tons of prizes, and plenty of yarn on hand so we can send a record number of hats to Halos. Our particular focus for this event is Halos' Camp Happy Times Project . We'll be knitting kids' hats in star themes (think stars, moons, constellations, Star Wars, Star Trek, and more!) for kids 5-22 battling cancer.
Call (408) 735-9276 to RSVP!

At Stash, knitting isn't just a hobby. It's a lifestyle. We believe happiness can be found in a skein of yarn and that the thrill of fantasizing about a project is just as exciting as actually making it. We knit. We play. We inspire. Join the fun and indulge in your knitting fantasies at
On The Needles:(0:30)
Gigi has started the first contrast color of her Color Affection, and loves it. Jasmin has the same kit and is thinking of knitting the Derecho out of it, and knitting a Color Affection out of Tess Yarns.
Jasmin is making progress on her Boneyard shawl out of yarn from Abstract Fiber. Gigi is knitting along on the CeCe cardigan, but thinks she needs to block her swatch before she knits any more.
Jasmin worked on her Skinny Bugga Houdini socks, and is very happy to work on the red lace Chiao Goo needles. Gigi turned the heel on her second Rosa Rubiginosa Sock.
We mention more space on Flickr. Jasmin has finished the body of her Eadon. Gigi has finished her vanilla-fied version of the Firestarter socks
We will be attending Wine and Wool, at the Retzlaff Winery, on Saturday, May 25th, in Livermore. This falls on the Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend.
- Sunscreen
- $5/person
- Checks, cash, credit cards
- A dish for the potluck
- Chairs
- Spinning!
- a preemie hat and trade it for an awesome Knitmore Girls project bag.
Mother Knows Best:(16:26)
We answered a question from the What Do You Want To Hear About?" thread on our forum: How do you pick a chair for spinning? Jasmin mentions Guitar Center
This week we are purloining "Squeal like a Piggy!" from the Wolfe Farms video cast hosted by James and Dawn.
Gigi is excited about her upcoming quilting class, and Jasmin is looking forward to attending "Wool and Wine" at the Retzlaff Winery, and meeting up with friends
This week we review Coopknits Socks by Rachel Coopey
Straw Into Gold:(35:15)
Jasmin answers a question from the "What Do You Want To Hear About?" thread about removing vegetable matter from roving and yarn.
She mentions Shari of Morro Fleece Works
Feel good to see that you guys doing these thing for a good cause.Best of luck.