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Those of you familiar with Akerworks™ products may already know Akerworks™ bobbins were designed by an engineer and an architect to make spinning enjoyable and relaxing. You also may know that you can choose among twenty colors and six styles for the 3D-printed whorls—or that the bobbins break down for easy travel and storage. But… did you know that Akerworks™ bobbins hold more fiber, for most styles, than the related manufacturer’s bobbin? Akerworks™: We like making things.
This week's episode is sponsored by:

No matter what you need, the barmaids have you covered from head to toe. Face pudding to keep you smiling, Lolo lips keep them kissable, probiotic deodorant for keeping you fresh as a rose, oh for feet’s sake to keep your feet soft and sandal ready, and the Lolo body bar for everything in between. You can find all this - and more! at
Every hobby needs organization, every project needs a place. Erin.Lane bags helps you turn your fiber pasttime into neat and organized endeavor. Our project bags, totes, and needle and notions organizers are everything you need to keep your fiber arts from fraying.
Let’s put our collective best foot forward!Adapted from traditional Turkish sock techniques and worked in fifteen contrast colors on a neutral background, these whimsical toe-up socks feature increases across the hinge of the foot to add ease and ensure a comfortable fit.Perfect for drafty houses, dorms, and anyone with perpetually chilly feet, this pattern yields thick and cozy socks with unique style.$5 from the sale of every Love Still Wins kit will be donated to Lambda Legal Defense, a 501(c)3 non-profit whose mission is to achieve the full recognition of the civil rights of LGBT people, and those living with HIV through impact litigation, education, and public policy work.
Love gradients? Everyone at Knitcircus loves them so much we keep creating new colors! Choose long-striping gradients for shawls and Gradient Matching Socks Sets for perfectly paired socks. The luxury hand-dyes come in sizes from 50g to 300g, so you’ll always have just the right amount for your project. Every cake is made with one continuous yarn; no knots or ends to weave in; just cast on and go. All Knitcircus yarns are dyed with love in Wisconsin by women who love to knit.
Does your heart soar with “The Sound of Music”? Remember the movie with a fresh, modern kit from Little Skein in the Big Wool. Luxuriate with our beautiful e-book, project bag in artist-drawn fabric, and hand-dyed yarn from Paris. Project kits will be back in the shop beginning March 1st. See us at
On the Needles:(0:40)
Jasmin mentions some ancient fiber stash from Foxfire Fiber, and we reminisce about old fiber purchases.
Jasmin has made some progress on her Poly Chevron Cowl. This is the Frank It Up kit from Black Trillium Fibre, and mentions the clips that keep the knitting neatly rolled up. She mentions the Bifrost scarf.
Jasmin is gushing over Heart on My Sleeve collection and has cast on the Lionheart out of
Diversity by Abstract Fiber.
Gigi is knitting a preemie hat inspired by one of the hats from Weekend Hats. Jasmin and Gigi want to cast on everything.
A great thank you to XRX Publishing, we attended Franklin Habit's wonderful, very entertaining lecture.
We did a number of On the Road with the Knitmores videos. Jasmin mentions Evernote. Jasmin mentions Specialtys. We got to enjoy the company of Bethany from Backstage Knitting.
We think our swag this year was excellent. We have one single bag left over and we are going to have a contest for giving away the last bag! Tell us an Oceans 11 type story of what you would do to get to Stitches- Knitmore's 11.
Genevieve conversed with Anne from Little Skein in the Big Wool.
We mention Neighborhood Fiber Co, Canon HandDyes, Twisted Owl Fiber, Miss Babs, Elizabeth Doherty, The Yarnover Truck,
In Stitches:(41:53)
Gigi wore knitted socks, the Quynn hat , the Zebra cowl, Lorelei cowl, Knitmore cowl. She tried to put on the Viajante, but it was too warm.
Jasmin wore her Kit Kat hat, 3 color cashmere cowl, rainbow dots cowl, boneyard shawl, Knitmore citron. Genevieve wore her cat hat, coronation cardigan, grey playful stripes cardigan, and Elsa hat. Rex wore the Welcome to the Flock cardigan, Sherlock hat, And his monster pants.
We had a lot of fun with #Knitmorebuymore, Jasmin mentions Mimi's Needle Basket
Jasmin is very happy with how the Resolute Yarn from Sincere Sheep has held up.
We had a lot of fun with #Knitmorebuymore, Jasmin mentions Mimi's Needle Basket
Jasmin is very happy with how the Resolute Yarn from Sincere Sheep has held up.
We have a new prize for #operationsockdrawer
A skein of Phoenix Rising from Black Trillium and WilfullMina won it!
#OperationSockDrawer and #ProjectSweaterChest are back!
Parameters for participating in the #operationsockdrawer contest:
Participants: post a picture to the ravelry forum, or to instagram with the #operationsockdrawer, have your ravelry name on your instagram profile. Feel free to double dip your projects.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#projectsweaterchest. This is the sweater equivalent of #operationsockdrawer. We want to encourage you to knit yourself a chest full of sweaters.
Projects will be judged on originality and general delightfulness.
Next weeks prize for #projectSweaterChest is one of the wonderful Amy Herzog book
Mother Knows Best:(49:42)
This week we have some new tips about attending a fiber show.
If you have any show tips, please share with us in this weeks episode thread.
If you have any show tips, please share with us in this weeks episode thread.
Jasmin mentions Try it on Tubing, Genius Scanand how Boston Jen is amazing for teaching her about GoodReader
Gigi loved The HOAX Fashion Formula, and Jasmin said there is an updated version. (JASMIN HERE: I can't find it. I'll write it down next time.)
And Sew On:(1:13:49)
Gigi has been pinning on ribbons for project bags.
Jasmin is planning to do videos of sewing and cutting steeks. Also, Kate Oates showed us her way of doing a different method of attaching zippers to a knit garment (crocheted install). And it looked very good.
We liked the yarn in the YOTH booth.
We liked the yarn in the YOTH booth.
I was very interested in purchasing the Cocoknits Sweater Workshop book after hearing your review, so I went to the Cocoknits website to get it...only to discover that the only shipping option was Priority Mail at $12.75. For a $35 book? I just couldn't do it. Not sure why there isn't an economical Media Mail option.
ReplyDeleteThat's really good feedback for Julie. If you could shoot her an email, that would be great. I will too, if I can stay up a little bit later.
DeleteHi, Just wanted to chime in on the book shipping question. I'm part of the Cocoknits team, and I believe the shipping issue is that in our ordering portal, media mail isn't offered because we sell lots of other tools and non-media items, so they don't give us that as a shipping option. However, we began shipping book orders to shops on March 6th, so check with your local yarn shop.
ReplyDeleteWe <3 our LYSs!