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Are you feeling dis-GRUNT-eled about your stash? Are you browsing Insta-HAM looking for knitting inspiration? Is color "kind of a PIG deal" in your life?
Oink Pigments offers over one hundred forty PIG-ture perfect colorways to make you SQUEAL with delight.
For a limited time only, bring home the bacon with code KNITMORE and get fifteen percent off in-stock yarns and fibers at oinkpigments dot com. Shop soon, because these pigs will FLY!
On the Needles:(0:42)
Gigi started the (RAVELRY LINK) Rêveurs socks (from the Operation Sock Drawer book available at Hicklebee's) in from Lolabeans in KnucklesandwichGigi finished the second Pippi Longstocking tube socks for Genevieve. The cuff is black Patons Kroy, leg in Opal Zebra.
Jasmin started the (RAVELRY LINK) Boob Window test knit for (RAVELRY LINK) Majestitch Designs in Oink Pigments Dapper in “Dill with it”
Gigi: picked up a striped, sparkly, fun sock she started around Xmas, leg is done
Jasmin finished the second sleeve of her (RAVELRY LINK) Philosopher’s Wool Kilim sweater, and started the body.
Gigi feel like she needs to start a bigger project, something that she bought yarn for at Stitches
Gigi: put a few rows on the (RAVELRY LINK) excavation blanket
Jasmin started the first sleeve on a sideways fade pullover in Frost Yarn’s DK “Saturated Rainbow
Jasmin started the (RAVELRY LINK) $27 sweater test knit for KnitBoop in Little Skein Targhee Sweater
Gigi is working on the (RAVELRY LINK) funambulus socks from the #operationSockDrawer book and
Finished the knitting on the (RAVELRY LINK) Alaska hat
In Stitches:(15:23)
Jasmin wore her cashmere (RAVELRY LINK) Mariah hoodie, (RAVELRY LINK) Barberry hoodie, new hat with giant pom pom
Genevieve wore her (RAVELRY LINK) Hearthstone pullover, (RAVELRY LINK) red and gold woven scarf, (RAVLERY LINK), Barberry Cardigan , (RAVELRY LINK) Anna Cardigan, (RAVELRY LINK) Coronation cardigan
Gigi wore the (RAVELRY LINK) knitmore cowl2.0. and socks every day
And (RAVELRY LINK) Cat Bordhi’s wristers. (RAVELRY LINK) Pointed Firs shawl
#Fiberuary on instagram
Mother Knows Best:(30:30)
Everything is better with a friend.When Knitting Attacks:(35:30)
Jasmin can’t count or measure gauge after dark.
Gigi has a hard time with a very easy pattern.Knits in Space:(42:17)
The Truth IsAnd Sew On: (50:07)
Classes at Cañada are ongoing and being recorded. Love that, one can go back and follow step by step.
Evening gown class: bustier is drafted and mostly sewn
Moulage for Jasmin is drawn, teacher ok'ed it, now it needs to be put it on muslin
We said corner stone, the word we needed was key stone.
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