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Those of you familiar with Akerworks™ products may already know Akerworks™ bobbins were designed by an engineer and an architect to make spinning enjoyable and relaxing. You also may know that you can choose among twenty colors and six styles for the 3D-printed whorls—or that the bobbins break down for easy travel and storage. But… did you know that Akerworks™ bobbins hold more fiber, for most styles, than the related manufacturer’s bobbin? Akerworks™: We like making things.
This week's episode is sponsored by:

No matter what you need, the barmaids have you covered from head to toe. Face pudding to keep you smiling, Lolo lips keep them kissable, probiotic deodorant for keeping you fresh as a rose, oh for feet’s sake to keep your feet soft and sandal ready, and the Lolo body bar for everything in between. You can find all this - and more! at
Every hobby needs organization, every project needs a place. Erin.Lane bags helps you turn your fiber pasttime into neat and organized endeavor. Our project bags, totes, and needle and notions organizers are everything you need to keep your fiber arts from fraying.
Named for the Three Fates and the Three Graces in Greek Mythology, Infinite Twist Fates and Graces are three-packs of cake-dyed gradient yarns. They are sisters (from the same dye lot), but not triplets.
Each cake is 200 yards long, and knits up into five unique stripes. Variegated, speckled, or semi-solid, each stripe brings something new to your needles.
To showcase these gorgeous gradients, Infinite Twist has worked up an easy Bias Scarf Kit featuring Fates and Graces. If you can k2tog and m1, you can knit this scarf!
Perfect for purse- or travel-knitting, and available in the Infinite Twist shop.
Love gradients? Everyone at Knitcircus loves them so much we keep creating new colors! Choose long-striping gradients for shawls and Gradient Matching Socks Sets for perfectly paired socks. The luxury hand-dyes come in sizes from 50g to 300g, so you’ll always have just the right amount for your project. Every cake is made with one continuous yarn; no knots or ends to weave in; just cast on and go. All Knitcircus yarns are dyed with love in Wisconsin by women who love to knit.
On the Needles:(0:35)
Jasmin has finished the garter wrap cardigan (by Churchmouse Yarns) out of FabFunkyFibres in the “Spock” color way. It is blocked, labels are sewn in. We celebrate the end of the drought with a waterballoon fight, with quick-filling water balloons.
Gigi finished the Chai Latte socks and started the Instant Coffee socks by C.C. Almon.
Jasmin is nearly done with the hand finishing on the Gone Astray cardigan for Genevieve. Julia Farwell-Clay has a special discount for this pattern for Knitmore listeners (on Jasmin's project page). She is using Clothing Labels by Sterling. She also mentions Rex's Welcome to the Flock Cardigan.
There are jumping sheep buttons and laying down sheep. There are enabley deals on Jasmin's project pages.
Gigi mentions Paula from the Knitting Pipeline.
Gigi has been working on the Three Color Cowl by Joji Locatelli out of yarn from the Neighborhood Fiber Company, and has added the third color.
Jasmin has made some excellent progress on the Sideways Dude cardigan out of Dragonfly Fibres Traveller in “Horton Hears a Who”. She is planning to make the Flirty Berberis for Genevieve, and she mentions the Kapuzin hoodie.
Jasmin mentions plastic shanks for buttons.
Gigi finished more Kit Kat (kitten?) preemie hat. She decided to make crochet flowers for the embellishment of last weeks preemie hats that were inspired by 60 Quick Knits for Kids.
Jasmin made some progress on Rex's KitKat hat in the “Sparkle Pony” colorway by White Birch Fiber Arts...
Gigi is working on the Sidewalk sweater. There are enabley deals on Jasmin's project pages.
In Stitches:(20:38)
Gigi wore the Quynn hat, and is wearing wool socks and her Lorelei cowl. Genevieve wore her Elsa sweater.
Jasmin wears wool socks every day, and she is wearing her handspun Tempest cardigan today (knitty patreon?). She and Genevieve wear their Kit Kat hats every day. Rex wore the sweater Annelena Mattsen made for Genevieve. And also the February Baby sweater.
Jasmin mentions the Knitty Patreon initiative.
Jasmin mentions the Knitty Patreon initiative.
Stash Dash starts May 26. This is hosted by the Knit Girllls.
Please go vote for your Stash Dash changes!
Please go vote for your Stash Dash changes!
Spinning at the Retzlaff Winery: Saturday, June 3rd.
Tour De Fleece :July-ish
Monterey Wool Auction: Still TBD
#OperationSockDrawer and #ProjectSweaterChest!
Parameters for participating in the #operationsockdrawer contest:
Participants: post a picture to the ravelry forum, or to instagram with the #operationsockdrawer, have your ravelry name on your instagram profile. Feel free to double dip your projects.
#projectsweaterchest. This is the sweater equivalent of #operationsockdrawer. We want to encourage you to knit yourself a chest full of sweaters.
Projects will be judged on originality and general delightfulness.
Mother Knows Best:(30:29)
This week for Mother Knows Best, we answer a question from the "What do you want to hear about?" thread, about self care knitting.
We would love to hear how other people do self care in knitting.
When Knitting Attacks:(40:15)
Gigi was working on the Three Color Cowl, and found counting to eight to be a problem. She had to tink all the rows that she knitted socializing. Also, it grew an extra stitch.
Garter Stitch Revival, curated by Kerry Bogert
We mentions Sheila Ernst's lovely glass buttons.Jasmin is thinking of knitting hats out of this book and sending them to Knit Aid
Straw into Gold:(53:53)
Jasmin spun 1 oz for her Hiro? Incredibles sweaters! Fleece from Janet Heppler, contrasting fiber (Australian merino) from Lisa Souza.
And Sew on:(1:02:26)
Gigi bought fabric for pillow covers. Washed, pressed, cut, collated, pinned and first seam sewn!
burrito pillowcase
burrito pillowcase
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