This weeks episode is sponsored by

You probably attend an event at least once a year. Sometimes events are all about shopping, but more often than not, events are a combination of shopping and education. When attending a show that combines classes and market place, shopping literally becomes dashes between classes. Time is short that your plan includes the necessary pit stop (crossing your fingers for short lines) and visits to my favorite or new vendor spot.
As a vendor, we do our best to bring the right amount of scents and products. We are thrilled when we have the product or scent you are looking for, but sometimes there is a sudden run on your favorite scent or product and the person in front of you just bought the last one. Being left wanting after waiting just stinks!
Wait and want no more because we've created the Easy Peasy Product Reservation. It's so simple and fast, you’ll LOVE the experience!
Go to our web site: for directions, and we'll even text you a reminder during the event!
All that yarn you're getting this holiday season needs a snug home for the winter. Show your yarn and your projects what they mean to you buy giving them an erinlane bag. Starting black Friday through December 24 save 15% storewide and get free shipping on all orders over $50. Plus get double loyalty points!

Infinite Twist produces unique and luxurious hand-spun yarns that are crafted in a socially responsible way. Spun from hand-painted roving and hand-blended batts, our hand-spun yarns are a tactile delight for knitters. We also offer project kits that take the guess-work out of yarn and color selection, and hand-dyed mill-spun yarns in striking semi-solid colors. Find out more by visiting, or find us on Ravelry and Instagram as infinite twist. Sign up for our newsletter for a free knitting pattern every month, and don’t forget to use offer code “knitmore”!
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yarns are selected for both their beauty and sustainability. Choose the
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Create your own perfect yarns and fabrics with our extensive selection of spinning and weaving equipment, classes, and full service maintenance.
On The Needles:(0:34)
Jasmin is making progress on the Coronation Cardigan, out of Berry Colorful Yarnings.
Gigi is knitting socks, out of Trekking yarn she bought at the Pajama Jammie Jam and she thought would stripe, and she is pleased as punch with the look.
Jasmin finished knitting the Gramps Cardigan by Kate Oates ( not to be confused with Gramps, by Tincanknits)
Gigi suggests Tandy leather for leather scraps, or alternatively Michaels.
Gigi has worked on preemie hats.
Jasmin is finishing Kobayashi Maru cardigan, from the Playdate cardigan by Tincanknit, out of Fibernymph "Star Trekkies".
Jasmin is planning to wash Genevieve's Elsa Sweater once a week in Unicorn Fibers Beyond Clean Woolwash.
She is also working on the Bifrost Scarf,which she is enjoying tremendously.
Also, she found a cashmere worsted weight hat that she started for Andrew ages ago, and is planning to finish it.
In Stitches:(13:51)
Jasmin: wore her Mondo Cable cardi
Genevieve wore her Elsa cardigan, the Elsa hat, Olivia hat, Gigi's Grey Citron
Rex: wore the Bumble hat from C.C. from the Geeky Girls Knit podcast , Baby Puerperium that Cchellez knit for him, and LaraNeel's Keys to the Castle
Gigi wore her Carli, Peacock Plumes, the old v-neck cardigans, Knitmore cowl, and the
Mojo socks. The mojo socks turned out rather long and think in her shoes. The directions say to stretch when measuring length. They need to be stretched quite a bit.
Gigi mentioned that Threads has an article about handsewn buttonhole.
Our annual Do Some Good Contest :
Do some good on a local, national or global level, post it to the thread, maybe you'll win a prize! But you'll definitely do some good, and that's awesome. The contest will close around January 6th.
Winners will be chosen on the basis of originality and delightfulness. Also, your charity needs to benefit more than your immediate friends and family.
Do Some Good prizes:
Lolo Foot bar
a very big Erin Lane bag,
and a Leslie Wind cable needle ring
The Grinch-along. Starting date December 1st.
There are only two rules:
1. Cease and desist all holiday gift knitting! #grinchalong.
2. What you *do* knit, must bring you joy.
Take pictures and post them in the ravelry group thread and/or on Instagram.
- A Lolo Foot Bar
- An Erin Lane bag
- A skein of CephalopodTraveller
- a Leslie Wind cable needle ring
- a skein of sock yarn in the "Board Shorts" colorway, by Julianna's Fibre.
- Grinchy knitting bags sewn in the "Sweatshop Of Love"(Lovingly purloined from Sweatshop Of Love) by the Knitmore Girls out of Grinchy fabric.
Let us know what fun holiday things you are doing instead of gift knitting. Do multiple dipping with as many contests as you can.
Parameters for participating in the #operationsockdrawer contest:
Participants: post a picture to the ravelry forum, or to instagram with the #operationsockdrawer, have your ravelry name on your instagram profile. Feel free to double dip your projects.
Projects will be judged on originality and general delightfulness.
Mother Knows Best:(22:23)
This week we answer a question from the "What do you want to hear about?" thread in the forum about putting zippers into cardigans
When Knitting Attacks:(27:12)
Gigi was attacked by her math, and managed to cast on not the correct amount of stitches, which interfered with decreases.
Jasmin had a hiccup with a button. She mentions Cleaners Supplies as a source for buttons.
This week we review The Knitter's Book of Knowledge
Jasmin mentions Debbie Bliss baby books
Holidays with the Knitmores:(39:00)
If it makes you scream, don't do it!
Jasmin also mentions the Positive Discipline philosophy (very tangentially).
Jamin mentions Muppet Christmas Carol
Sam was blasting the Pandora Elvis Holiday station. (It's REALLY good.)
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