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Get ready for Spinzilla with Savage Blends by The Homestead Hobbyist. Unique and thrilling blends, beautiful color palettes, and best of all, the fiber drafts itself—so you’ll spin miles of yarn in no time. Find your favorite Savage Blend at
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On the Needles:(0:43)
The neon green, yellow, tomato red, orange, petroleum blue, dark lavender are done She is working on sapphire blue. Three more colors are left. She is knitting backwards, like Entrelac, also using German short rows.
Jasmin and Genevieve have started a Welcome Blanket. It is exactly right for what Jasmin needs at the moment. They are using Berocco Comfort.
Jasmin is planning to use a stair step design to attach them to avoid having to weave in a gazillion ends.
Gigi went on another blocking spree. Shawls and Pop squares.
We mentions the Dragon Scarf from Morehouse Merino. Jasmin suggests she call Sheila Ernst for glass eyes for the dragon.
We started a new Knitalong August 1st. This is a design from Romi Hill with yarn from Lorna's Laces String Quintet kit. It is the #3PartHarmonyKal!. You can find details in our ravelry thread.
Gigi started section 4. . She is using Knitters Pride needles and cables, using the iPad for the chart with the Goodreader app. Coming along nicely
Gigi knitted 1 preemie hat. Need to make pompoms.
Grinch-along, December 1st to 25th 2017
Jasmin mentions the Mastering the Knits contest, and we mention the Downcellar Studio podcast. Jasmin also mentions the She Can Make podcast.
Jasmin mentions the Janome kiddie sewing machine and our local Janome dealer. Gigi mentions Male Pattern Boldness.
All Prizes are sent! New prize!
An Erin Lane accessory bag! Cute, lovely, and perfect.
Also, #OperationSockDrawer, and #ProjectSweaterChest have started up again. Entries will be judged on the basis of originality and delightfulness.
Mother Knows Best:(30:51)
This week we answer a question from the "What do you want to hear about" thread about doing kitchener in the round.
When Knitting Attacks:(35:27)
Gigi messed up the count of rows on the #3partharmonyKAL
One of her Pops has an extra stitch. She discovered that binding off.
Jasmin mentions Marly Bird and her book Cold Weather Crochet
This week we review :
A Year of Techniques, by Arnall-Culliford
This week we purloin: On a Happy Note, from the Downcellar Studio podcast, by Boston Jen. Doing the Hello Fresh dinners with Genevieve. Literacy skills, direction following, quality time. (love languages)
And Sew On:(52:07)
Fabric from Beverly’s wanted to be the dress with the midriff detail. New Look pattern 6447
A line skirt, midriff detail. Gigi cut the fashion fabric, lining and interfacing
83500 patterns on a website, Vogue, McCalls, Butterick, Simplicity Vintage patterns wiki
Jasmin and Genevieve look for patterns for HALLOWEEN COSTUMES!
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